داستان آبیدیک

self advancement


1 عمومی:: جلوبری‌ خویشتن‌، پیشروی‌ نفس‌، خود پیش‌ بری‌

شبکه مترجمین ایران

2 عمومی:: پیشرفت فردی

It is apparent that the U.S. has an enduring free market orientation, rooted in the country's mid-20th-century reassertions of notions of self-advancement through capitalism. Behind these observations was SOCA's implied appeal: the free market is the sensible arbiter of financial soundness, and one's effort to achieve a satis- factory (and financially viable) life rests on one pursuing such self-advancement in concert with the market. At a funda- mental level, these public relations messages were designed to encourage Ameri- cans to turn away from government as an aide and rely on self-advancement through the marketplace. When individuals identify their sense of self and well-being with marketplace concerns, there is the increased risk of disconnecting the self from addressing wider systemic concerns that do not immediately appear to align with self-advancement. Undoubtedly, power centers have much to gain by establishing a sense that the corporation and individuals are entwined when it comes to valuing the market- place as the locus of self-advancement.

واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران

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